Feature Engineering 特征工程 2. Categorical Encodings
发布日期:2021-07-01 03:25:55 浏览次数:3 分类:技术文章

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在里介绍过了Label EncodingOne-Hot Encoding,下面将学习count encoding计数编码,target encoding目标编码、singular value decomposition奇异值分解

在上一篇中使用LabelEncoder(),得分为Validation AUC score: 0.7467

# Label encodingcat_features = ['category', 'currency', 'country']encoder = LabelEncoder()encoded = ks[cat_features].apply(encoder.fit_transform)

1. Count Encoding 计数编码

  • 计数编码,就是把该类型的value,替换为其出现的次数


  • category_encoders.CountEncoder(),最终得分Validation AUC score: 0.7486

import category_encoders as cecat_features = ['category', 'currency', 'country']count_enc = ce.CountEncoder()count_encoded = count_enc.fit_transform(ks[cat_features])data = baseline_data.join(count_encoded.add_suffix("_count"))# Training a model on the baseline datatrain, valid, test = get_data_splits(data)bst = train_model(train, valid)

2. Target Encoding 目标编码

  • category_encoders.TargetEncoder(),最终得分Validation AUC score: 0.7491

Target encoding replaces a categorical value with the average value of the target for that value of the feature.

目标编码:将会用该特征值的 label 的平均值 替换 分类特征值
For example, given the country value “CA”, you’d calculate the average outcome for all the rows with country == ‘CA’, around 0.28.
举例子:特征值 “CA”,你要计算所有 “CA” 行的 label(即outcome列)的均值,用该均值来替换 “CA”
This is often blended with the target probability over the entire dataset to reduce the variance of values with few occurences.

This technique uses the targets to create new features. So including the validation or test data in the target encodings would be a form of target leakage.

Instead, you should learn the target encodings from the training dataset only and apply it to the other datasets.

import category_encoders as cecat_features = ['category', 'currency', 'country']# Create the encoder itselftarget_enc = ce.TargetEncoder(cols=cat_features)train, valid, _ = get_data_splits(data)# Fit the encoder using the categorical features and targettarget_enc.fit(train[cat_features], train['outcome'])# Transform the features, rename the columns with _target suffix, and join to dataframetrain = train.join(target_enc.transform(train[cat_features]).add_suffix('_target'))valid = valid.join(target_enc.transform(valid[cat_features]).add_suffix('_target'))train.head()bst = train_model(train, valid)

3. CatBoost Encoding

  • category_encoders.CatBoostEncoder(),最终得分Validation AUC score: 0.7492

This is similar to target encoding in that it’s based on the target probablity for a given value.

跟目标编码类似的点在于,它基于给定值的 label 目标概率
However with CatBoost, for each row, the target probability is calculated only from the rows before it.

cat_features = ['category', 'currency', 'country']target_enc = ce.CatBoostEncoder(cols=cat_features)train, valid, _ = get_data_splits(data)target_enc.fit(train[cat_features], train['outcome'])train = train.join(target_enc.transform(train[cat_features]).add_suffix('_cb'))valid = valid.join(target_enc.transform(valid[cat_features]).add_suffix('_cb'))bst = train_model(train, valid)



转载地址:https://michael.blog.csdn.net/article/details/106225290 如侵犯您的版权,请留言回复原文章的地址,我们会给您删除此文章,给您带来不便请您谅解!

上一篇:Feature Engineering 特征工程 3. Feature Generation
下一篇:LeetCode 416. 分割等和子集(动态规划)



[***.219.124.196]2024年04月30日 09时24分43秒


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