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import sysdef trace(frame, event, arg_unused):    print(frame.f_lineno, event, arg_unused)    return tracesys.settrace(trace)with open('test_file.py', "rb") as f:    source = f.read()code = compile(source, 'test_file.py', 'exec')exec(code)


import sysimport osdef test_a():    a = 1def test_b():    b = 2def run():    if 1:        r = 1    else:        r = 2    test_a()    ret = rrun()


1 call None1 line None3 line None6 line None10 line None14 line None23 line None14 call None16 line None19 line None6 call None7 line None7 return None20 line None20 return None23 return None

此时,我们继续修改示例代码,将trace函数中注释掉return trace这一行,此时继续运行,输出结果如下:

1 call None14 call None6 call None




static PyMethodDef sys_methods[] = {    ...    {"settrace",        sys_settrace, METH_O, settrace_doc},    {"gettrace",        sys_gettrace, METH_NOARGS, gettrace_doc},    ...    {NULL,              NULL}           /* sentinel */};


static PyObject *sys_settrace(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){    if (trace_init() == -1)                          // 初始化trace        return NULL;    if (args == Py_None)        PyEval_SetTrace(NULL, NULL);                 // 如果初始化传入的函数为None则设置空    else        PyEval_SetTrace(trace_trampoline, args);     // 否则设置该函数    Py_INCREF(Py_None);    return Py_None;                                  // 返回None}static inttrace_init(void){    static char *whatnames[7] = {"call", "exception", "line", "return",                                    "c_call", "c_exception", "c_return"};       // 定义了7个事件对应的描述字符    PyObject *name;    int i;    for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {        if (whatstrings[i] == NULL) {            name = PyUnicode_InternFromString(whatnames[i]);                    // 遍历转换为python字符串            if (name == NULL)                return -1;            whatstrings[i] = name;                                              // 设置对应的Python字符串        }    }    return 0;}#define PyTrace_CALL 0#define PyTrace_EXCEPTION 1#define PyTrace_LINE 2#define PyTrace_RETURN 3#define PyTrace_C_CALL 4#define PyTrace_C_EXCEPTION 5#define PyTrace_C_RETURN 6


PyEval_SetTrace(trace_trampoline, args)


voidPyEval_SetTrace(Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *arg){    PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_GET();                                // 获取当前的线程状态    PyObject *temp = tstate->c_traceobj;                                        // 获取当前线程的c_traceobj    _Py_TracingPossible += (func != NULL) - (tstate->c_tracefunc != NULL);          Py_XINCREF(arg);    tstate->c_tracefunc = NULL;                                                 // 设置当前线程的c_tracefunc为空    tstate->c_traceobj = NULL;    /* Must make sure that profiling is not ignored if 'temp' is freed */    tstate->use_tracing = tstate->c_profilefunc != NULL;    Py_XDECREF(temp);    tstate->c_tracefunc = func;                                                 // 保存该函数    tstate->c_traceobj = arg;                                                   // 保存该回调函数    /* Flag that tracing or profiling is turned on */    tstate->use_tracing = ((func != NULL)                           || (tstate->c_profilefunc != NULL));                 // 是否开启记录}static inttrace_trampoline(PyObject *self, PyFrameObject *frame,                 int what, PyObject *arg){    PyObject *callback;    PyObject *result;    if (what == PyTrace_CALL)                                         // 如果是call 行为        callback = self;                                              // callback 设置为self    else        callback = frame->f_trace;                                    // 设置为frame对应的f_trace    if (callback == NULL)                                             // 如果callback为0则返回        return 0;    result = call_trampoline(callback, frame, what, arg);             // 调用回调函数并处理    if (result == NULL) {                                             // 如果处理结果为空则设置为空        PyEval_SetTrace(NULL, NULL);        Py_CLEAR(frame->f_trace);                                     // 清空f_trace函数        return -1;    }    if (result != Py_None) {                                          // 如果结果不为空        PyObject *temp = frame->f_trace;                              // 获取frame的 f_trace        frame->f_trace = NULL;                                        // 设置为空        Py_XDECREF(temp);           frame->f_trace = result;                                      // 重新设置处理回调函数    }    else {        Py_DECREF(result);    }    return 0;}


if (tstate->use_tracing) {                                                   // 检查是否进行跟踪    if (tstate->c_tracefunc != NULL) {                                       // 设置进行跟踪的函数不为空        /* tstate->c_tracefunc, if defined, is a           function that will be called on *every* entry           to a code block.  Its return value, if not           None, is a function that will be called at           the start of each executed line of code.           (Actually, the function must return itself           in order to continue tracing.)  The trace           functions are called with three arguments:           a pointer to the current frame, a string           indicating why the function is called, and           an argument which depends on the situation.           The global trace function is also called           whenever an exception is detected. */        if (call_trace_protected(tstate->c_tracefunc,                                 tstate->c_traceobj,                                 tstate, f, PyTrace_CALL, Py_None)) {        // 调用该函数,该函数就是设置的trace_trampoline函数            /* Trace function raised an error */            goto exit_eval_frame;        }    }    if (tstate->c_profilefunc != NULL) {                                     // 是否设置了profile函数        /* Similar for c_profilefunc, except it needn't           return itself and isn't called for "line" events */        if (call_trace_protected(tstate->c_profilefunc,                                 tstate->c_profileobj,                                 tstate, f, PyTrace_CALL, Py_None)) {            /* Profile function raised an error */            goto exit_eval_frame;        }    }}


static intcall_trace_protected(Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *obj,                     PyThreadState *tstate, PyFrameObject *frame,                     int what, PyObject *arg){    PyObject *type, *value, *traceback;    int err;    PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback);    err = call_trace(func, obj, tstate, frame, what, arg);            // 调用注册的函数    if (err == 0)                                                     // 判断是否执行成功    {        PyErr_Restore(type, value, traceback);                               return 0;    }    else {        Py_XDECREF(type);        Py_XDECREF(value);        Py_XDECREF(traceback);        return -1;                                                    // 失败返回-1    }}static intcall_trace(Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *obj,           PyThreadState *tstate, PyFrameObject *frame,           int what, PyObject *arg){    int result;    if (tstate->tracing)                                             // 判断是否可以执行        return 0;    tstate->tracing++;                                               // 加1    tstate->use_tracing = 0;                                            result = func(obj, frame, what, arg);                            // 调用该函数,其实就是调用了trace_trampoline函数    tstate->use_tracing = ((tstate->c_tracefunc != NULL)                           || (tstate->c_profilefunc != NULL));      // 判断是否继续trace    tstate->tracing--;    return result;}


static PyObject *call_trampoline(PyObject* callback,                PyFrameObject *frame, int what, PyObject *arg){    PyObject *args;    PyObject *whatstr;    PyObject *result;    args = PyTuple_New(3);                                      // 生成位置参数元组    if (args == NULL)                                           // 如果为空则返回        return NULL;    if (PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError(frame) < 0)        return NULL;    Py_INCREF(frame);    whatstr = whatstrings[what];                                // 获取对应的操作名称    Py_INCREF(whatstr);    if (arg == NULL)        arg = Py_None;    Py_INCREF(arg);    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 0, (PyObject *)frame);               // 设置参数1 为 frame    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 1, whatstr);                         // 设置参数2 为 对应的操作 如call line等    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 2, arg);                             // 设置传入参数    /* call the Python-level function */    result = PyEval_CallObject(callback, args);                 // 调用对应的回调函数的方法并获取返回结果    PyFrame_LocalsToFast(frame, 1);    if (result == NULL)        PyTraceBack_Here(frame);    /* cleanup */    Py_DECREF(args);    return result;                                              // 返回返回结果}

此时执行完成就很清晰了,如果设置了trace函数,执行完成该trace函数之后的返回值会被设置到下一个frame的f_trace处,基于Python的frame的执行结构,只要有新的code块执行,都会执行该段代码,所以在脚本注释掉return trace这一行之后,任然会打印出call的相关信息,当我们执行了call之后,在下一次执行到;

if (what == PyTrace_CALL)    callback = self;else    callback = frame->f_trace;if (callback == NULL)    return 0;

此时的callback就是上一次执行返回的函数,所以就会在有 return trace该行代码的时候,会继续调用该trace函数去执行。


fast_next_opcode:                                                           // 字节码解释的时候执行下一个指令    f->f_lasti = INSTR_OFFSET();                                            // 获取执行的行数    /* line-by-line tracing support */    if (_Py_TracingPossible &&        tstate->c_tracefunc != NULL && !tstate->tracing) {                  // 检查是否有跟踪的函数        int err;        /* see maybe_call_line_trace           for expository comments */        f->f_stacktop = stack_pointer;        err = maybe_call_line_trace(tstate->c_tracefunc,                                    tstate->c_traceobj,                                    tstate, f,                                    &instr_lb, &instr_ub, &instr_prev);    // 可能是line的检查        /* Reload possibly changed frame fields */        JUMPTO(f->f_lasti);        if (f->f_stacktop != NULL) {            stack_pointer = f->f_stacktop;            f->f_stacktop = NULL;        }        if (err)            /* trace function raised an exception */            goto error;    }    /* Extract opcode and argument */    opcode = NEXTOP();                                                      // 获取下一条指令    /* See Objects/lnotab_notes.txt for a description of how tracing works. */    static int    maybe_call_line_trace(Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *obj,                          PyThreadState *tstate, PyFrameObject *frame,                          int *instr_lb, int *instr_ub, int *instr_prev)    {        int result = 0;        int line = frame->f_lineno;                                                  // 获取行数        /* If the last instruction executed isn't in the current           instruction window, reset the window.        */        if (frame->f_lasti < *instr_lb || frame->f_lasti >= *instr_ub) {            PyAddrPair bounds;            line = _PyCode_CheckLineNumber(frame->f_code, frame->f_lasti,                                           &bounds);            *instr_lb = bounds.ap_lower;            *instr_ub = bounds.ap_upper;        }        /* If the last instruction falls at the start of a line or if           it represents a jump backwards, update the frame's line           number and call the trace function. */        if (frame->f_lasti == *instr_lb || frame->f_lasti < *instr_prev) {            frame->f_lineno = line;                                                 // 重新更新行数            result = call_trace(func, obj, tstate, frame, PyTrace_LINE, Py_None);   // 调用记录的行数的trace函数        }        *instr_prev = frame->f_lasti;                                               // 保存当前的行数        return result;    }

至此,调用到的line 和 call记录都已经分析完成,该流程就是基本的Python代码监控的基本执行流程。



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[***.144.177.141]2024年04月17日 16时44分29秒


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