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from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, taskclass UserBehavior(TaskSet):    def on_start(self):        """ on_start is called when a Locust start before any task is scheduled """        self.login()    def on_stop(self):        """ on_stop is called when the TaskSet is stopping """        self.logout()    def login(self):"/login", {"username":"ellen_key", "password":"education"})    def logout(self):"/logout", {"username":"ellen_key", "password":"education"})    @task(2)    def index(self):        self.client.get("/")    @task(1)    def profile(self):        self.client.get("/profile")class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):    task_set = UserBehavior    min_wait = 5000    max_wait = 9000


locust -f ./ --host= --no-web




entry_points={    'console_scripts': [        'locust = locust.main:main',    ]},


def main():    parser, options, arguments = parse_options()                # 解析传入的参数    # setup logging    setup_logging(options.loglevel, options.logfile)            # 建立日志文件    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)                        # 获取日志的Logger        if options.show_version:                                    # 检查是否是显示Locust的版本号        print("Locust %s" % (version,))        sys.exit(0)                                             # 打印版本后退出    locustfile = find_locustfile(options.locustfile)            # 寻找传入的测试文件    if not locustfile:                                          # 如果没有找到传入的测试文件则报错        logger.error("Could not find any locustfile! Ensure file ends in '.py' and see --help for available options.")        sys.exit(1)    if locustfile == "":                               # 如果传入的测试文件名就是locust.py文件则报错        logger.error("The locustfile must not be named ``. Please rename the file and try again.")        sys.exit(1)    docstring, locusts = load_locustfile(locustfile)            # 加载传入的实例文件并查找相关的Locust类    if options.list_commands:"Available Locusts:")        for name in locusts:  "    " + name)        sys.exit(0)    if not locusts:                                             # 如果文件中没有Locust类被找到则退出        logger.error("No Locust class found!")        sys.exit(1)    # make sure specified Locust exists    if arguments:                                               # 检查是否存在Locust类        missing = set(arguments) - set(locusts.keys())          # 减去已经找到的Locust类        if missing:                                             # 如果有缺失的则报错退出            logger.error("Unknown Locust(s): %s\n" % (", ".join(missing)))            sys.exit(1)        else:            names = set(arguments) & set(locusts.keys())        # 取并集            locust_classes = [locusts[n] for n in names]                else:        # list() call is needed to consume the dict_view object in Python 3        locust_classes = list(locusts.values())                 # 获取locust类列表        if options.show_task_ratio:                                 # 是否显示任务信息"\n Task ratio per locust class") "-" * 80)        print_task_ratio(locust_classes)"\n Total task ratio")"-" * 80)        print_task_ratio(locust_classes, total=True)        sys.exit(0)                                             if options.show_task_ratio_json:                            # 是否是以json的方式导出执行信息        from json import dumps        task_data = {            "per_class": get_task_ratio_dict(locust_classes),             "total": get_task_ratio_dict(locust_classes, total=True)        }        sys.exit(0)        if options.run_time:                                       # 是否设置了运行结束时间        if not options.no_web:                                 # 检查是否启动了web界面展示            logger.error("The --run-time argument can only be used together with --no-web")            sys.exit(1)        try:            options.run_time = parse_timespan(options.run_time)     # 解析成时间戳        except ValueError:            logger.error("Valid --run-time formats are: 20, 20s, 3m, 2h, 1h20m, 3h30m10s, etc.")            sys.exit(1)        def spawn_run_time_limit_greenlet():                        # 定义退出函数  "Run time limit set to %s seconds" % options.run_time)            def timelimit_stop():      "Time limit reached. Stopping Locust.")                runners.locust_runner.quit()            gevent.spawn_later(options.run_time, timelimit_stop)    # 指定时间后调用退出方法    if not options.no_web and not options.slave:                    # 检查是否是开启了web与从模式        # spawn web greenlet"Starting web monitor at %s:%s" % (options.web_host or "*", options.port))        main_greenlet = gevent.spawn(web.start, locust_classes, options)        # 启动web并开始        if not options.master and not options.slave:                                # 如果既不是主也不是从模式        runners.locust_runner = LocalLocustRunner(locust_classes, options)      # 默认locust_runner为LocalLocustRunner类        # spawn client spawning/hatching greenlet        if options.no_web:                                                      # 如果没有web展示模式            runners.locust_runner.start_hatching(wait=True)                     # 则开始执行            main_greenlet = runners.locust_runner.greenlet                      # 设置main_greenlet        if options.run_time:                                                    # 是否设置了运行结束时间            spawn_run_time_limit_greenlet()                                     # 如果设置了运行结束时间则在指定时间后退出    elif options.master:                                                        # 是否是主进程模式        runners.locust_runner = MasterLocustRunner(locust_classes, options)     # 设置启动类为MasterLocustRunner        if options.no_web:                                                      # 如果没有web展示            while len(runners.locust_runner.clients.ready)


def find_locustfile(locustfile):    """    Attempt to locate a locustfile, either explicitly or by searching parent dirs.    """    # Obtain env value    names = [locustfile]                                                            # 传入的路径名称    # Create .py version if necessary    if not names[0].endswith('.py'):                                                # 检查是否已.py结束的文件        names += [names[0] + '.py']                                                 # 没有已.py结束则添加后缀    # Does the name contain path elements?    if os.path.dirname(names[0]):                                                   # 是否是文件夹        # If so, expand home-directory markers and test for existence        for name in names:                                                          # 查找路径名            expanded = os.path.expanduser(name)            if os.path.exists(expanded):                                            # 如果存在                if name.endswith('.py') or _is_package(expanded):                   # 是否已.py结尾或者是否可导入                        return os.path.abspath(expanded)                                # 返回文件的绝对路径    else:        # Otherwise, start in cwd and work downwards towards filesystem root          path = os.path.abspath('.')                                                 # 从当前文件夹开始查找        while True:            for name in names:                                                      # 遍历                joined = os.path.join(path, name)                                   # 添加到文件名称中                if os.path.exists(joined):                                          # 检查是否存在该路径                    if name.endswith('.py') or _is_package(joined):                 # 是否已.py结尾或者是可导入                        return os.path.abspath(joined)                              # 返回文件绝对路劲            parent_path = os.path.dirname(path)                                     # 获取自目录            if parent_path == path:                                                 # 依次遍历检查                # we've reached the root path which has been checked this iteration                break            path = parent_path    # Implicit 'return None' if nothing was found


def is_locust(tup):    """    Takes (name, object) tuple, returns True if it's a public Locust subclass.    """    name, item = tup                            return bool(        inspect.isclass(item)                           # 是否是类        and issubclass(item, Locust)                    # 是否是Locust的子类        and hasattr(item, "task_set")                   # 是否有task_set属性        and getattr(item, "task_set")                   # 获取task_set属性        and not name.startswith('_')                    # 不以'_'名称开头    )def load_locustfile(path):    """    Import given locustfile path and return (docstring, callables).    Specifically, the locustfile's ``__doc__`` attribute (a string) and a    dictionary of ``{'name': callable}`` containing all callables which pass    the "is a Locust" test.    """    def __import_locustfile__(filename, path):        """        Loads the locust file as a module, similar to performing `import`        """        try:            # Python 3 compatible            source = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(os.path.splitext(locustfile)[0], path)    # 导入moudle获取导入的属性            imported = source.load_module()        except AttributeError:            # Python 2.7 compatible            import imp            imported = imp.load_source(os.path.splitext(locustfile)[0], path)        return imported    # Get directory and locustfile name    directory, locustfile = os.path.split(path)                                         # 分离路径    # If the directory isn't in the PYTHONPATH, add it so our import will work    added_to_path = False    index = None    if directory not in sys.path:                                                       # 检查文件夹是否在系统路径中        sys.path.insert(0, directory)                                                   # 不在系统路径中则插入        added_to_path = True    # If the directory IS in the PYTHONPATH, move it to the front temporarily,    # otherwise other locustfiles -- like Locusts's own -- may scoop the intended    # one.    else:        i = sys.path.index(directory)                                                   # 获取文件夹的索引        if i != 0:            # Store index for later restoration            index = i            # Add to front, then remove from original position            sys.path.insert(0, directory)                                               # 如果不为0 则插入第一个路径            del sys.path[i + 1]    # Perform the import    imported = __import_locustfile__(locustfile, path)                                  # 导入该module    # Remove directory from path if we added it ourselves (just to be neat)    if added_to_path:        del sys.path[0]    # Put back in original index if we moved it    if index is not None:        sys.path.insert(index + 1, directory)        del sys.path[0]    # Return our two-tuple    locusts = dict(filter(is_locust, vars(imported).items()))                           # 获取导入module的所有的环境的值并依次传入is_locust函数进行检查    return imported.__doc__, locusts                                                    # 返回导入的module的注释,并返回找到的Locust类


if not options.master and not options.slave:    runners.locust_runner = LocalLocustRunner(locust_classes, options)    # spawn client spawning/hatching greenlet    if options.no_web:        runners.locust_runner.start_hatching(wait=True)        main_greenlet = runners.locust_runner.greenlet    if options.run_time:        spawn_run_time_limit_greenlet()


class LocalLocustRunner(LocustRunner):    def __init__(self, locust_classes, options):        super(LocalLocustRunner, self).__init__(locust_classes, options)        # register listener thats logs the exception for the local runner        def on_locust_error(locust_instance, exception, tb):            formatted_tb = "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb))            self.log_exception("local", str(exception), formatted_tb)        events.locust_error += on_locust_error    def start_hatching(self, locust_count=None, hatch_rate=None, wait=False):        self.hatching_greenlet = gevent.spawn(lambda: super(LocalLocustRunner, self).start_hatching(locust_count, hatch_rate, wait=wait))                                   # 调用了父类LocustRunner的start_hatching方法         self.greenlet = self.hatching_greenlet                                  # 设置了greenletclass LocustRunner(object):    def __init__(self, locust_classes, options):        self.options = options                                                  # 解析的传入参数        self.locust_classes = locust_classes                                    # 找到的locust        self.hatch_rate = options.hatch_rate                                    # 执行速率        self.num_clients = options.num_clients                                  # 启动的客户端数量 =                                                # 访问的host        self.locusts = Group()        self.greenlet = self.locusts        self.state = STATE_INIT        self.hatching_greenlet = None        self.exceptions = {}        self.stats = global_stats                # register listener that resets stats when hatching is complete        def on_hatch_complete(user_count):            self.state = STATE_RUNNING            if self.options.reset_stats:      "Resetting stats\n")                self.stats.reset_all()        events.hatch_complete += on_hatch_complete    def weight_locusts(self, amount, stop_timeout = None):        """        Distributes the amount of locusts for each WebLocust-class according to it's weight        returns a list "bucket" with the weighted locusts        """        bucket = []        weight_sum = sum((locust.weight for locust in self.locust_classes if locust.task_set))  # 计算总的权重        for locust in self.locust_classes:                                                      # 遍历locust列表            if not locust.task_set:                                                             # 如果locust没有task_set属性则跳过                warnings.warn("Notice: Found Locust class (%s) got no task_set. Skipping..." % locust.__name__)                continue            if is not None:                                                           # 检查是否有host       =            if stop_timeout is not None:                                                        # 检查是否有体制时间                locust.stop_timeout = stop_timeout            # create locusts depending on weight            percent = locust.weight / float(weight_sum)                                         # 计算权重            num_locusts = int(round(amount * percent))                                          # 获取需要启动的客户端数量            bucket.extend([locust for x in xrange(0, num_locusts)])                             # 生成对应数量的locusts数量        return bucket    def spawn_locusts(self, spawn_count=None, stop_timeout=None, wait=False):        if spawn_count is None:                                                                 # 获取生成客户端的数量            spawn_count = self.num_clients        bucket = self.weight_locusts(spawn_count, stop_timeout)                                 # 传入数量并计算权重之后哦返回待执行的locust实例列表        spawn_count = len(bucket)        if self.state == STATE_INIT or self.state == STATE_STOPPED:                             # 如果是初始化状态或停止状态            self.state = STATE_HATCHING                                                         # 修改为hatching状态            self.num_clients = spawn_count                                                      # 设置数量        else:            self.num_clients += spawn_count                                                     # 否则添加数量"Hatching and swarming %i clients at the rate %g clients/s..." % (spawn_count, self.hatch_rate))        occurence_count = dict([(l.__name__, 0) for l in self.locust_classes])                def hatch():            sleep_time = 1.0 / self.hatch_rate                                                  # 通过速率获取睡眠的时间            while True:                if not bucket:                                                                  # 如果为0则执行完成          "All locusts hatched: %s" % ", ".join(["%s: %d" % (name, count) for name, count in six.iteritems(occurence_count)]))                              return                locust = bucket.pop(random.randint(0, len(bucket)-1))                           # 随机获取一个locust实例                occurence_count[locust.__name__] += 1                                           # 记录该locust实例执行的次数                def start_locust(_):                    try:                        locust().run(runner=self)                                               # 调用locust实例的run方法                    except GreenletExit:                        pass                new_locust = self.locusts.spawn(start_locust, locust)                           # 执行start_locust函数                if len(self.locusts) % 10 == 0:                    logger.debug("%i locusts hatched" % len(self.locusts))                gevent.sleep(sleep_time)                                                        # 休息执行时间                hatch()                                                                                 # 调用hatch函数运行        if wait:            self.locusts.join()  "All locusts dead\n")    def start_hatching(self, locust_count=None, hatch_rate=None, wait=False):        if self.state != STATE_RUNNING and self.state != STATE_HATCHING:                # 不是运行状态并且不是hatching状态            self.stats.clear_all()            self.stats.start_time = time()            self.exceptions = {}          # Dynamically changing the locust count        if self.state != STATE_INIT and self.state != STATE_STOPPED:                    # 是否初始化状态并且不是停止状态            self.state = STATE_HATCHING            if self.num_clients > locust_count:                # Kill some locusts                kill_count = self.num_clients - locust_count                self.kill_locusts(kill_count)            elif self.num_clients < locust_count:                # Spawn some locusts                if hatch_rate:                    self.hatch_rate = hatch_rate                spawn_count = locust_count - self.num_clients                self.spawn_locusts(spawn_count=spawn_count)            else:              else:            if hatch_rate:                                                              # 是否设置了速率                self.hatch_rate = hatch_rate            if locust_count is not None:                                                # 如果传入了数量                self.spawn_locusts(locust_count, wait=wait)                             # 传入参数            else:                 self.spawn_locusts(wait=wait)                                           # 启动


class Locust(object):    """    Represents a "user" which is to be hatched and attack the system that is to be load tested.        The behaviour of this user is defined by the task_set attribute, which should point to a     :py:class:`TaskSet 
` class. This class should usually be subclassed by a class that defines some kind of client. For example when load testing an HTTP system, you probably want to use the :py:class:`HttpLocust
` class. """ host = None """Base hostname to swarm. i.e:""" min_wait = 1000 """Minimum waiting time between the execution of locust tasks""" max_wait = 1000 """Maximum waiting time between the execution of locust tasks""" wait_function = lambda self: random.randint(self.min_wait,self.max_wait) """Function used to calculate waiting time between the execution of locust tasks in milliseconds""" task_set = None """TaskSet class that defines the execution behaviour of this locust""" stop_timeout = None """Number of seconds after which the Locust will die. If None it won't timeout.""" weight = 10 """Probability of locust being chosen. The higher the weight, the greater is the chance of it being chosen.""" client = NoClientWarningRaiser() _catch_exceptions = True _setup_has_run = False # Internal state to see if we have already run _teardown_is_set = False # Internal state to see if we have already run _lock = gevent.lock.Semaphore() # Lock to make sure setup is only run once def __init__(self): super(Locust, self).__init__() self._lock.acquire() if hasattr(self, "setup") and self._setup_has_run is False: self._set_setup_flag() self.setup() if hasattr(self, "teardown") and self._teardown_is_set is False: self._set_teardown_flag() events.quitting += self.teardown self._lock.release() @classmethod def _set_setup_flag(cls): cls._setup_has_run = True @classmethod def _set_teardown_flag(cls): cls._teardown_is_set = True def run(self, runner=None): task_set_instance = self.task_set(self) # 实例化task_set实例 try: # 调用task_set实例的run方法 except StopLocust: pass except (RescheduleTask, RescheduleTaskImmediately) as e: six.reraise(LocustError, LocustError("A task inside a Locust class' main TaskSet (`%s.task_set` of type `%s`) seems to have called interrupt() or raised an InterruptTaskSet exception. The interrupt() function is used to hand over execution to a parent TaskSet, and should never be called in the main TaskSet which a Locust class' task_set attribute points to." % (type(self).__name__, self.task_set.__name__)), sys.exc_info()[2]) except GreenletExit as e: if runner: runner.state = STATE_CLEANUP # Run the task_set on_stop method, if it has one if hasattr(task_set_instance, "on_stop"): task_set_instance.on_stop() raise # Maybe something relies on this except being raised?


class TaskSetMeta(type):    """    Meta class for the main Locust class. It's used to allow Locust classes to specify task execution     ratio using an {task:int} dict, or a [(task0,int), ..., (taskN,int)] list.    """        def __new__(mcs, classname, bases, classDict):        new_tasks = []        for base in bases:                                                      # 检查父类            if hasattr(base, "tasks") and base.tasks:                           # 如果父类有tasks                new_tasks += base.tasks                                         # 添加父类的tasks                if "tasks" in classDict and classDict["tasks"] is not None:             # 检查tasks是否在属性列表中            tasks = classDict["tasks"]                                          # 获取传入的tasks数据            if isinstance(tasks, dict):                tasks = six.iteritems(tasks)                                    # 迭代tasks                        for task in tasks:                                                  # 遍历tasks                if isinstance(task, tuple):                                     # 如果是元组                    task, count = task                     for i in xrange(0, count):                        new_tasks.append(task)                                  # 添加到tasks列表中                else:                     new_tasks.append(task)                                      # 直接添加到tasks列表中                for item in six.itervalues(classDict):            if hasattr(item, "locust_task_weight"):                             # 检查是否有locust_task_weight属性                for i in xrange(0, item.locust_task_weight):                    # 添加对应数量的任务到列表中                    new_tasks.append(item)                classDict["tasks"] = new_tasks                                          # 重新设置tasks的列表                return type.__new__(mcs, classname, bases, classDict)                   # 生成该类@six.add_metaclass(TaskSetMeta)class TaskSet(object):        tasks = []    def __init__(self, parent):        self._task_queue = []        self._time_start = time()                if isinstance(parent, TaskSet):            self.locust = parent.locust        elif isinstance(parent, Locust):            self.locust = parent        else:            raise LocustError("TaskSet should be called with Locust instance or TaskSet instance as first argument")        self.parent = parent                # if this class doesn't have a min_wait, max_wait or wait_function defined, copy it from Locust        if not self.min_wait:            self.min_wait = self.locust.min_wait        if not self.max_wait:            self.max_wait = self.locust.max_wait        if not self.wait_function:            self.wait_function = self.locust.wait_function        self._lock.acquire()        if hasattr(self, "setup") and self._setup_has_run is False:            self._set_setup_flag()            self.setup()        if hasattr(self, "teardown") and self._teardown_is_set is False:            self._set_teardown_flag()            events.quitting += self.teardown        self._lock.release()    @classmethod    def _set_setup_flag(cls):        cls._setup_has_run = True    @classmethod    def _set_teardown_flag(cls):        cls._teardown_is_set = True    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        self.args = args        self.kwargs = kwargs                try:            if hasattr(self, "on_start"):                                               # 检查是否有on_start属性,有则调用该函数                self.on_start()        except InterruptTaskSet as e:            if e.reschedule:                six.reraise(RescheduleTaskImmediately, RescheduleTaskImmediately(e.reschedule), sys.exc_info()[2])            else:                six.reraise(RescheduleTask, RescheduleTask(e.reschedule), sys.exc_info()[2])                while (True):            try:                if self.locust.stop_timeout is not None and time() - self._time_start > self.locust.stop_timeout:                                       # 检查执行的时间是否已到,如果到了则返回                    return                        if not self._task_queue:                                        # 检查任务列表是否有任务                    self.schedule_task(self.get_next_task())                    # 有待执行的任务则调用该任务                                try:                     self.execute_next_task()                                    # 执行下一个待调度的任务                except RescheduleTaskImmediately:                    pass                except RescheduleTask:                    self.wait()                                                 # 等待                else:                    self.wait()            except InterruptTaskSet as e:                if e.reschedule:                    six.reraise(RescheduleTaskImmediately, RescheduleTaskImmediately(e.reschedule), sys.exc_info()[2])                else:                    six.reraise(RescheduleTask, RescheduleTask(e.reschedule), sys.exc_info()[2])            except StopLocust:                raise            except GreenletExit:                raise            except Exception as e:      , exception=e, tb=sys.exc_info()[2])                if self.locust._catch_exceptions:                    sys.stderr.write("\n" + traceback.format_exc())                    self.wait()                else:                    raise        def execute_next_task(self):        task = self._task_queue.pop(0)                                              # 获取任务队列的第一个任务        self.execute_task(task["callable"], *task["args"], **task["kwargs"])        # 执行该任务        def execute_task(self, task, *args, **kwargs):        # check if the function is a method bound to the current locust, and if so, don't pass self as first argument        if hasattr(task, "__self__") and task.__self__ == self:                     # 检查是否有__self__属性并且__self__是否为自己            # task is a bound method on self            task(*args, **kwargs)                                                   # 是则直接调用task执行        elif hasattr(task, "tasks") and issubclass(task, TaskSet):            # task is another (nested) TaskSet class            task(self).run(*args, **kwargs)                                         # 检查是否有tasks属性并且是否是TaskSet的子类如果是则继续调用run方法        else:            # task is a function            task(self, *args, **kwargs)                                             # 如果task是个function则直接调用        def schedule_task(self, task_callable, args=None, kwargs=None, first=False):        """        Add a task to the Locust's task execution queue.                *Arguments*:                * task_callable: Locust task to schedule        * args: Arguments that will be passed to the task callable        * kwargs: Dict of keyword arguments that will be passed to the task callable.        * first: Optional keyword argument. If True, the task will be put first in the queue.        """        task = {"callable":task_callable, "args":args or [], "kwargs":kwargs or {}}        if first:            self._task_queue.insert(0, task)                                        # 如果是第一个任务则添加到_task_queue中        else:            self._task_queue.append(task)                                           # 否则就添加到_task_queue任务列表中        def get_next_task(self):        return random.choice(self.tasks)                                            # 随机抽取一个任务        def get_wait_secs(self):        millis = self.wait_function()                                               #         return millis / 1000.0    def wait(self):        self._sleep(self.get_wait_secs())    def _sleep(self, seconds):        gevent.sleep(seconds)


@task(2)def index(self):    self.client.get("/")@task(1)def profile(self):    self.client.get("/profile")


def task(weight=1):    """    Used as a convenience decorator to be able to declare tasks for a TaskSet     inline in the class. Example::            class ForumPage(TaskSet):            @task(100)            def read_thread(self):                pass                        @task(7)            def create_thread(self):                pass    """        def decorator_func(func):        func.locust_task_weight = weight        return func        """    Check if task was used without parentheses (not called), like this::            @task        def my_task()            pass    """    if callable(weight):        func = weight        weight = 1        return decorator_func(func)    else:        return decorator_func




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[***.217.46.12]2024年04月19日 15时43分11秒


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