发布日期:2021-07-17 15:49:26 浏览次数:6 分类:技术文章

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1. 引言

ClusterONE是由TamásNepusz,Haiyuan Yu和Alberto Paccanaro开发的一个由内聚力(cohesiveness)引导搜索的聚类算法。ClusterONE算法可以主要解决的是蛋白质复合物的类别识别问题,也就是PPI网络中密集子结构的识别问题。ClusterONE算法中,内聚力得分越高则代表了该组蛋白质越有可能是一种蛋白质复合物,但是ClusterONE算法仅仅依赖于内聚力公式,算法过程中可能会出现偏差。可能会出现使内聚力下降的节点,但是实际上该节点的确属于候选蛋白质复合物。所以在内聚力失去效用时,我们可以使用另一套评判机制来判断节点到底属于哪个聚类,我们将这套评判机制称为近邻选择策略。

参考文献:T.Nepusz, H. Yu, and A. Paccanaro, “Detecting overlapping protein complexes inprotein-protein interaction networks,” Nat. Methods, vol. 9, no. 5, pp.471–472, Mar. 2012.

2. ClusterONE算法详解

灰色阴影区域表示已知聚类,与已知聚类内部有联系的节点被称为邻居节点,在聚类内部被联系的节点被称为聚类内部的顶点节点。图中的C,F,G为聚类的邻居节点,A,B,D,E为聚类的顶点节点。深黑色边是internal edges,灰色边是boundary edges,虚线边是external edges。



ClusterONE算法的主要过程是聚类生长过程,该生长过程被称为贪婪凝聚群检测过程(the greedy cohesive group detection process)。贪婪凝聚群检测过程包含两个步骤:

  1. 增加邻居节点。计算初始聚类的内聚力,将聚类的n个邻居节点分别放入聚类中,按照内聚力公式分别计算出它们的内聚力... ,选择其中能够使内聚力增加最大化的邻居节点加入聚类。
  2. 去除顶点节点。同增加邻居节点的过程类似,也是找到能够使内聚力增加最大化的顶点节点从聚类中去除。在去除顶点节点的步骤中会忽略最开始的种子节点。


3. ClusterONE算法优化


对于某个聚类的邻居节点N,表示boundary edges权重之和,表示external edges权重之和。若G(N)>0,邻居节点N为这个聚类的近邻节点,若G(N)>0,邻居节点N不是近邻节点。


public ClusterGrowthAction getSuggestedAction() {		IntArray bestNodes = new IntArray();		final double quality = qualityFunction.calculate(nodeSet);		double bestAffinity;		boolean bestIsAddition = true;				int n = nodeSet.size();				if (n == 0)			return ClusterGrowthAction.terminate();		double den = (n + 1) * n / 2.0;		double internalWeightLimit = this.minDensity * den - nodeSet.getTotalInternalEdgeWeight();				/* internalWeightLimit is a strict limit: if a node's connections to the current cluster		 * are weaker than this weight limit, the node couldn't be added as it would decrease the		 * density of the cluster under the prescribed limit		 */				if (debugMode) {			System.err.println("Current nodeset: " + nodeSet);			System.err.println("Current quality: " + quality);		}				/* Try the addition of some nodes */		bestAffinity = quality;		for (int node: nodeSet.getExternalBoundaryNodes()) {			double internalWeight = nodeSet.getTotalAdjacentInternalWeight(node);			if (n >= 4 && internalWeight < internalWeightLimit)				continue;						double sub = qualityFunction.getSubWeight(nodeSet,node);			double affinity = qualityFunction.getAdditionAffinity(nodeSet, node);			if (debugMode) {				System.err.println("Considering addition of " + node + ", affinity = " + affinity);			}			if (affinity > bestAffinity) {				bestAffinity = affinity;				bestNodes.clear();				bestNodes.add(node);			} else if(affinity < bestAffinity){				if(sub>0){					bestNodes.add(node);				}			}			else if (affinity == bestAffinity) {				bestNodes.add(node);			}		}				if (this.isContractionAllowed() && this.nodeSet.size() > 1) {			/* Try removing nodes. Can we do better than adding nodes? */			// Set
cutVertices = null; for (Integer node: nodeSet) { // Don't process nodes that were in the initial seed if (keepInitialSeeds && initialSeeds.contains(node)) continue; double sub = qualityFunction.getSubWeight(nodeSet,node); double affinity = qualityFunction.getRemovalAffinity(nodeSet, node); if (debugMode) { System.err.println("Considering removal of " + node + ", affinity = " + affinity); } // The following condition is necessary to avoid cases when a // node is repeatedly added and removed from the same set. // The addition of 1e-12 counteracts rounding errors. if (affinity < quality + 1e-12) continue; if (affinity < bestAffinity) continue; // The following condition is necessary to avoid cases when a // tree-like cluster becomes disconnected due to the removal // of a non-leaf node if (nodeSet.isCutVertex(node)) continue; // Note to self: the above code uses BFS to decide whether the given node is a cut // vertex or not. Theoretically, it would be better to use a DFS because a single // DFS could provide us all the cut vertices at once. However, in practice it // seems to be slower. If you want to try, uncomment the fragment below: /* if (cutVertices == null) { cutVertices = findCutVerticesForNodeSet(nodeSet); } if (cutVertices.contains(node)) continue; */ if ((affinity > bestAffinity)&&(sub<0)) { bestAffinity = affinity; bestNodes.clear(); bestNodes.add(node); bestIsAddition = false; } else { /* affinity == bestAffinity */ if (bestIsAddition) { bestNodes.clear(); bestIsAddition = false; } bestNodes.add(node); } } } if (bestNodes.size() == 0 || bestAffinity == quality) { if (debugMode) System.err.println("Proposing termination"); return ClusterGrowthAction.terminate(); } if (bestNodes.size() > 1 && onlySingleNode) bestNodes.setSize(1); if (bestIsAddition) { if (debugMode) System.err.println("Proposing addition of " + Arrays.toString(bestNodes.toArray())); return ClusterGrowthAction.addition(bestNodes.toArray()); } else { if (debugMode) System.err.println("Proposing removal of " + Arrays.toString(bestNodes.toArray())); return ClusterGrowthAction.removal(bestNodes.toArray()); } }

4. 结语


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