发布日期:2021-06-30 16:19:35 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 1563 字,大约阅读时间需要 5 分钟。


Given an array of integers of size ‘n’.Our aim is to calculate the maximum sum of ‘k’ consecutive elements in the array.Input  : arr[] = {100, 200, 300, 400}         k = 2Output : 700Input  : arr[] = {1, 4, 2, 10, 23, 3, 1, 0, 20}         k = 4 Output : 39We get maximum sum by adding subarray {4, 2, 10, 23}of size 4.Input  : arr[] = {2, 3}         k = 3Output : InvalidThere is no subarray of size 3 as size of wholearray is 2.


我想到了滑动窗口对移动,如上图所示,但是我不知道如何去计算每个窗口对和?如果窗口内部用for循环处理,岂不是不能O(n)实现了,后来看了解法,发现窗口的和值,是通过“增加-删除”实现的。比如第一个 窗口是2,3,5.计算出第一个窗口的sum。第二个窗口发生变化,增加6,减去2,在sum基础上增加6,减去2,计算出新的sum并且比较出最大的sum


// Java code for // O(n) solution for finding // maximum sum of a subarray // of size k class GFG { 	// Returns maximum sum in 	// a subarray of size k. 	static int maxSum(int arr[], int n, int k) 	{ 		// k must be greater 		if (n < k) 		{ 		System.out.println("Invalid"); 		return -1; 		} 			// Compute sum of first window of size k 		int max_sum = 0; 		for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) 		max_sum += arr[i]; 			// Compute sums of remaining windows by 		// removing first element of previous 		// window and adding last element of 		// current window. 		int window_sum = max_sum; 		for (int i = k; i < n; i++) 		{ 		window_sum += arr[i] - arr[i - k]; 		max_sum = Math.max(max_sum, window_sum); 		} 			return max_sum; 	} 		// Driver code 	public static void main(String[] args) 	{ 		int arr[] = {1, 4, 2, 10, 2, 3, 1, 0, 20}; 		int k = 4; 		int n = arr.length; 		System.out.println(maxSum(arr, n, k)); 	} } // This code is contributed // by prerna saini.


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[***.219.124.196]2024年04月10日 06时47分54秒