一种获取SAP HANA数据库表条目数的另类方法
发布日期:2021-06-30 14:29:16 浏览次数:2 分类:技术文章

本文共 1988 字,大约阅读时间需要 6 分钟。

Still used the old way SELECT COUNT(*) to get total number of records stored in a table?

If you are using HANA database, there is another approach to achieve the same.
In HANA there is a metadata table m_tables which stores the related information:

You can find its definition in .

You can use the following ABAP code to access this HANA table from ABAP server:

class CL_CRM_HOME_TABLE_SIZE_TOOL definition  public  final  create public .public section.  TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_size,         table_name   TYPE char256,         record_count TYPE int4,         table_size   TYPE int4,       END OF ty_size.TYPES: tt_size TYPE TABLE OF ty_size with key table_name.  class-methods GET_SIZE    importing      !IT_INPUT type STRING_TABLE    returning      value(RT_RESULT) type tt_size .protected section.private section.ENDCLASS.CLASS CL_CRM_HOME_TABLE_SIZE_TOOL IMPLEMENTATION.  METHOD get_size.    DATA(lv_in) = REDUCE string(  INIT x TYPE string FOR  IN it_input NEXT x = SWITCH #( x        WHEN space THEN |'{  }'|  ELSE x && ',' && |'{  }'| ) ).    TRY.        DATA(lo_sql_con) = cl_sql_connection=>get_connection(  ).        DATA(lo_stmt) = lo_sql_con->create_statement( ).        DATA: lv_stmt TYPE string.        lv_stmt = |select table_name, record_count, table_size from m_tables where table_name in ({ lv_in })|.        DATA(lo_res) = lo_stmt->execute_query( lv_stmt  ).        GET REFERENCE OF rt_result INTO DATA(lr_data).        lo_res->set_param_table( lr_data ).        lo_res->next_package( ).        lo_res->close( ).      CATCH cx_sql_exception INTO DATA(cx_root).        WRITE:/ 'Error:', cx_root->get_text( ).        RETURN.    ENDTRY.  ENDMETHOD.ENDCLASS.

Consumer report:

REPORT zsize.DATA: lt_input TYPE String_table.lt_input = VALUE #( ( CONV string( 'TADIR' ) )                    ( CONV string( 'TFDIR' ) )                   ).DATA(lt_size) = cl_crm_home_table_size_tool=>get_size( lt_input ).cl_demo_output=>display_data( lt_size ).



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[***.202.152.39]2024年05月06日 02时55分41秒