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解法 时间复杂度 空间复杂度 执行用时
Ans 1 (Python) O ( N 2 × K ) O(N^2×K) O(N2×K) O ( N × K ) O(N×K) O(N×K) 超出时间限制
Ans 2 (Python) O ( N 2 × K ) O(N^2×K) O(N2×K) O ( N × K ) O(N×K) O(N×K) 572ms (30.00%)
Ans 3 (Python) O ( ( N × K ) l o g ( N × K ) ) O((N×K)log(N×K)) O((N×K)log(N×K)) O ( N × K ) O(N×K) O(N×K) 228ms (97.85%)



class Solution:    def smallestRange(self, nums: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:        # 生成初始范围        scopes = [(n, n) for n in nums[0]]        # 不断更新范围        for num in nums[1:]:            i1, i2 = 0, 0            new_scopes = []            while i1 < len(scopes) and i2 < len(num):                scope = scopes[i1]                n = num[i2]                if n <= scope[0]:                    new_scopes.append((n, scope[1]))                    i2 += 1                elif scope[0] < n < scope[1]:                    new_scopes.append(scope)                    i1 += 1                else:                    new_scopes.append((scope[0], n))                    i1 += 1            scopes = new_scopes        return list(min(scopes, key=lambda s: s[1] - s[0]))


class Solution:    def smallestRange(self, nums: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:        # 生成初始范围        scopes = [(n, n) for n in nums[0]]        # 不断更新范围        for num in nums[1:]:            i1, i2 = 0, 0            new_scopes = []            while i1 < len(scopes) and i2 < len(num):                scope = scopes[i1]                n = num[i2]                if n < scope[0]:                    if not new_scopes or new_scopes[-1][0] < n:                        new_scopes.append((n, scope[1]))                    i2 += 1                elif scope[0] <= n <= scope[1]:                    new_scopes.append(scope)                    i1 += 1                else:                    if new_scopes and new_scopes[-1][1] == n:                        new_scopes.pop()                    new_scopes.append((scope[0], n))                    i1 += 1            scopes = new_scopes        return list(min(scopes, key=lambda s: s[1] - s[0]))


class Solution:    def smallestRange(self, nums: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:        # 生成包含序列        num_count = collections.defaultdict(list)        for i, num in enumerate(nums):            for n in num:                num_count[n].append(i)        # 依据值排序序列        idxs = sorted(num_count.keys())        ans = [idxs[0], idxs[-1]]        left = 0        count = collections.Counter()        need = len(nums)        for right in idxs:            for n in num_count[right]:                count[n] += 1                if count[n] == 1:                    need -= 1            if need == 0:                while need == 0:                    for n in num_count[idxs[left]]:                        count[n] -= 1                        if count[n] == 0:                            need += 1                    left += 1                if right - idxs[left - 1] < ans[1] - ans[0]:                    ans = [idxs[left - 1], right]        return ans

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