C++Primer Plus笔记——第七章 函数—C++的编程模块及课后编程练习答案
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typeName arr[];
typeName * arr;



7.1  函数简单示例

//calling.cpp -- defining,prototyping,and calling a function#include "stdafx.h"#include
void simple();//function prototypeint main(){ using namespace std; cout << "main() will call the simple() function:\n"; simple();//function call cout << "main() is finished with the simple() function.\n"; cin.get(); return 0;}//fuction definitionvoid simple(){ using namespace std; cout << "I'm but a simple function.\n";}

7.2  函数原型与调用

//protos.cpp -- using prototypes and fuction calls#include "stdafx.h"#include
void cheers(int);double cube(double x);using namespace std;int main(){ cheers(5); cout << "Gibe me a number: "; double side; cin >> side; double volume = cube(side); cout << "A " << side << " foot cube has a volume of "; cout << volume << " cubic feet.\n"; cheers(cube(2)); return 0;}void cheers(int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << "Cheers! "; cout << endl;}double cube(double x){ return x * x * x;}

7.3  多个参数的函数

//twoarg.cpp -- a function with a arguments#include "stdafx.h"#include
void n_chars(char, int);using namespace std;int main(){ int times; char ch; cout << "Enter a character: "; cin >> ch; while (ch != 'q') { cout << "Enter an integer: "; cin >> times; n_chars(ch, times); cout << "\nEnter another character or press the q-key to quit: "; cin >> ch; } cout << "The value of times is " << times << ".\n"; cout << "Bye\n"; return 0;}void n_chars(char c, int n){ while (n-- > 0) cout << c;}

7.4  多个参数的函数

//lotto.cpp -- probability of winning#include "stdafx.h"#include
//Note:some implementations require double instead of long doublelong double probability(unsigned numbers, unsigned picks);int main(){ using namespace std; double total, choices; cout << "Enter the total number of choices on the game card and\nthe number of picks allowed:\n"; while ((cin >> total >> choices) && choices <= total) { cout << "You have one chance in "; cout << probability(total, choices); //compute the odds cout << " of winning.\n"; cout << "Next two number (q to quit): "; } cout << "bye\n"; return 0;}//the following function calculates the probability of picking picks//numbers correctly from numbers choiceslong double probability(unsigned numbers, unsigned picks){ long double result = 1.0; //here come some local variables long double n; unsigned p; for (n = numbers, p = picks; p > 0; n--, p--) result = result * n / p; return result;}

7.5  参数为数组的函数

//arrfun1.cpp -- functions with an array argument#include "stdafx.h"#include
const int ArSize = 8;int sum_arr(int arr[], int n);int main(){ using namespace std; \ int cookies[ArSize] = { 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 };//some systems require preceding int with static to enable array initialization int sum = sum_arr(cookies, ArSize); cout << "Total cookies eaten: " << sum << "\n"; return 0;}//return the sum of an integer arrayint sum_arr(int arr[], int n){ int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) total = total + arr[i]; return total;}

7.6  数组为参数的本质

//arrfun2.cpp -- functions with an array argument#include "stdafx.h"#include
const int ArSize = 8;int sum_arr(int arr[], int n);using namespace std;int main(){ int cookies[ArSize] = { 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 }; cout << cookies << " = array address, " << sizeof cookies << " = sizeof cookies\n"; int sum = sum_arr(cookies, ArSize); cout << "Total cookies eaten: " << sum << endl; sum = sum_arr(cookies, 3); cout << "First three eaters ate " << sum << " cookies.\n"; sum = sum_arr(cookies + 4, 4);//cookies+4是第5个元素的地址 cout << "Last four eaters ate " << sum << " cookies.\n"; return 0;}int sum_arr(int arr[], int n){ int total = 0; cout << arr << " = arr, " << sizeof arr << " = sizeof arr\n"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) total = total + arr[i]; return total;}

7.7  多个参数为数组的函数

// arrfun3.cpp -- array functions and const#include "stdafx.h"#include 
const int Max = 5; function prototypesint fill_array(double ar[], int limit);void show_array(const double ar[], int n); // don't change datavoid revalue(double r, double ar[], int n);int main(){ using namespace std; double properties[Max]; int size = fill_array(properties, Max); show_array(properties, size); if (size > 0) { cout << "Enter revaluation factor: "; double factor; while (!(cin >> factor)) // bad input { cin.clear(); while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; cout << "Bad input: Please enter a number"; } revalue(factor, properties, size); show_array(properties, size); } cout << "Done.\n"; cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0;}int fill_array(double ar[], int limit){ using namespace std; double temp; int i; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { cout << "Enter value #" << (i + 1) << ": "; cin >> temp; if (!cin) // bad input { cin.clear(); while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; cout << "Bad input; input process termianated.\n"; break; } else if (temp < 0) break; ar[i] = temp; } return i;}//the following function can use, but not alter;//the array whose address is ar;void show_array(const double ar[], int n){ using namespace std; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << "Property #" << (i + 1) << ": $"; cout << ar[i] << endl; }}//multiplies each element of ar[] by rvoid revalue(double r, double ar[], int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ar[i] *= r;}

7.8  使用数组区间的函数

//arrfun4.cpp -- functions with an array range#include "stdafx.h"#include
const int ArSize = 8;int sum_arr(const int * begin, const int * end);int main(){ using namespace std; int cookies[ArSize] = { 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 }; //some systems require preceding int withe static to enable array initialization int sum = sum_arr(cookies, cookies + ArSize); cout << "Total cookies eaten: " << sum << endl; sum = sum_arr(cookies, cookies + 3); cout << "First three eaters ate " << sum << " cookies.\n"; sum = sum_arr(cookies + 4, cookies + 8); cout << "Last four eaters ate " << sum << " cookies.\n"; return 0;}//return the sum of an integer arrayint sum_arr(const int * begin, const int * end){ const int * pt; int total = 0; for (pt = begin; pt != end; pt++) total = total + *pt; return total;}

7.9  C-风格字符串做为参数

//strgfun.cpp -- functions with a string argument#include "stdafx.h"#include
unsigned int c_in_str(const char * str, char ch);int main(){ using namespace std; char mmm[15] = "minimum";//string in an array //some systems require preceding char with static to enable array initialization char const * wail = "ululate";//wail points to string unsigned int ms = c_in_str(mmm, 'm'); unsigned int us = c_in_str(wail, 'u'); cout << ms << " m characters in " << mmm << endl; cout << us << " u characters in " << wail << endl; return 0;}//this function counts the number of ch characters in the string strunsigned int c_in_str(const char * str, char ch){ unsigned int count = 0; while (*str)//quit when *str is '\0' { if (*str == ch) count++; str++;//move point to next char } return count;}

7.10  返回C-风格字符串的函数

//strgback.cpp -- a function that returns a pointer to char#include "stdafx.h"#include
char * buildstr(char c, int n);int main(){ using namespace std; int times; char ch; cout << "Enter a character: "; cin >> ch; cout << "Enter an integer: "; cin >> times; char *ps = buildstr(ch, times); cout << ps << endl; delete[] ps; //free memory ps = buildstr('+', 20); //reuse pointer cout << ps << "-DONE-" << ps << endl; delete[] ps; return 0;}//builds string made of n c characterschar * buildstr(char c, int n){ char * pstr = new char[n + 1]; pstr[n] = '\0'; while (n-- > 0) pstr[n] = c; return pstr;} return total;}void show_time(travel_time t){ using namespace std; cout << t.hours << " hours, " << t.mins << " minutes\n";}

7.11  传递和返回结构

//travel.cpp -- using structures with functions#include "stdafx.h"#include
struct travel_time{ int hours; int mins;};const int Mins_per_hr = 60;travel_time sum(travel_time t1, travel_time t2);void show_time(travel_time t);int main(){ using namespace std; travel_time day1 = { 5,45 }; travel_time day2 = { 4,55 }; travel_time trip = sum(day1, day2); cout << "Two day total: "; show_time(trip); travel_time day3 = { 4,32 }; cout << "Three day total: "; show_time(sum(trip, day3)); return 0;}travel_time sum(travel_time t1, travel_time t2){ travel_time total; total.mins = (t1.mins + t2.mins) % Mins_per_hr; total.hours = t1.hours + t2.hours + (t1.mins + t2.mins) / Mins_per_hr; return total;}void show_time(travel_time t){ using namespace std; cout << t.hours << " hours, " << t.mins << " minutes\n";}

7.12  处理结构的函数

//strctfun.cpp -- functions with astructure argument#include "stdafx.h"#include
//structure declarationsstruct polar{ double distance; //distance from origin double angle; //direction from origin};struct rect{ double x; //horizontal distance from origin double y; //vertical distance from origin};polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos);void show_polar(polar dapos);int main(){ using namespace std; rect rplace; polar pplace; cout << "Enter the x and y values: "; while (cin >> rplace.x >> rplace.y) //slick use of cin { pplace = rect_to_polar(rplace); show_polar(pplace); cout << "Next two numbers (q to quit): "; } cout << "Done.\n"; return 0;}//convert rectangular to polar coordinatespolar rect_to_polar(rect xypos){ using namespace std; polar answer; answer.distance = sqrt(xypos.x*xypos.x + xypos.y * xypos.y); answer.angle = atan2(xypos.y, xypos.x); return answer;}//show polar coordinates, converting angle to degreesvoid show_polar(polar dapos){ using namespace std; const double Rad_to_deg = 57.29577951; cout << "distance = " << dapos.distance; cout << ", angle = " << dapos.angle * Rad_to_deg; cout << " degrees\n";}

7.13  传递结构的地址

//strcptr.cpp -- functions with pointer to structure arguments#include "stdafx.h"#include
//structure templatesstruct polar{ double distance; //distance from origin double angle; //direction from origin};struct rect{ double x; //horizontal distance from origin double y; //vertical distance from origin};void rect_to_polar(const rect * xypos,polar * pda);void show_polar(const polar * pda);int main(){ using namespace std; rect rplace; polar pplace; cout << "Enter the x and y values: "; while (cin >> rplace.x >> rplace.y) //slick use of cin { rect_to_polar(&rplace,&pplace); show_polar(&pplace); cout << "Next two numbers (q to quit): "; } cout << "Done.\n"; return 0;}//convert rectangular to polar coordinatesvoid rect_to_polar(const rect * pxy,polar * pda){ using namespace std; pda -> distance = sqrt(pxy -> x * pxy->x + pxy->y * pxy->y); pda -> angle = atan2(pxy -> y, pxy -> x);}//show polar coordinates, converting angle to degreesvoid show_polar(const polar * pda){ using namespace std; const double Rad_to_deg = 57.29577951; cout << "distance = " << pda -> distance; cout << ", angle = " << pda -> angle * Rad_to_deg; cout << " degrees\n";}

7.14  处理string类的函数

//topfive.cpp -- handling an array of string object#include "stdafx.h"#include
using namespace std;const int SIZE = 5;void display(const string sa[], int n);int main(){ string list[SIZE];//an array holding 5string object cout << "Enter your " << SIZE << " favorite astronomical sights:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { cout << i + 1 << ": "; getline(cin, list[i]); } cout << "Your list:\n"; display(list, SIZE); return 0;}void display(const string sa[], int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << i + 1 << ": " << sa[i] << endl;}

7.15  处理array对象的函数

//arrobj.cpp -- functions with array objects (C++11)#include "stdafx.h"#include
using namespace std;//constant dataconst int Seasons = 4;const array
Snames = { "Spring","Summer","Fall","Winter" };//function to modify array objectvoid fill(array
*pa);//function that uses array object without modifying itvoid show(array
da);int main(){ array
expenses; fill(&expenses); show(expenses); return 0;}void fill(array
* pa){ for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++) { cout << "Enter " << Snames[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> (*pa)[i]; }}void show(array
da){ double total = 0.0; cout << "\n\nEXPENSES\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++) { cout << Snames[i] << ": $" << da[i] << endl; total += da[i]; } cout << "Total Expenses: $" << total << endl;}

7.16  递归函数

//recur.cpp -- using recursion#include "stdafx.h"#include
void countdown(int n);int main(){ countdown(4); return 0;}void countdown(int n){ using namespace std; cout << "Counting down ... " << n << endl; if (n > 0) countdown(n - 1); //function calls itself cout << n << ": Kaboom!\n";}

7.17  包含多个递归调用的递归

//ruler.cpp -- using recursion to subdivide a ruler#include "stdafx.h"#include
using namespace std;const int Divs = 6;//the division of rulerconst int Len = 66;//the length of ruler Len = 2 ^ Divs + 2void subdibide(char ar[], int low, int high, int level);int main(){ char ruler[Len]; int i; for (i = 1; i < Len - 2; i++) ruler[i] = ' '; ruler[Len - 1] = '\0'; int max = Len - 2; int min = 0; ruler[min] = ruler[max] = '|'; cout << ruler << endl; for (i = 1; i <= Divs; i++) { subdibide(ruler, min, max, i); cout << ruler << endl; for (int j = 1; j < Len - 2; j++) ruler[j] = ' ';//reset to blank ruler } return 0;}void subdibide(char ar[], int low, int high, int level){ if (level == 0) return; int mid = (high + low) / 2; ar[mid] = '|'; subdibide(ar, low, mid, level - 1); subdibide(ar, mid, high, level - 1);}

7.18  函数指针

​//fun_ptr.cpp -- pointers to functions#include "stdafx.h"#include
double betsy(int);double pam(int);//second argument is pointer to a type double function that takes a type int argumentvoid estimate(int lines, double (*pf)(int));int main(){ using namespace std; int code; cout << "How many lines of code do you need? "; cin >> code; cout << "Here's Betsy's estimate:\n"; estimate(code, betsy); cout << "Here's Pam's estimate:\n"; estimate(code, pam); return 0;}double betsy(int lns){ return 0.05*lns;}double pam(int lns){ return 0.03*lns + 0.0004*lns*lns;}void estimate(int lines, double(*pf)(int)){ using namespace std; cout << lines << " lines will take "; cout << (*pf)(lines) << " hour(s)\n";//function pointer}​

7.19  深入探讨函数指针

//arfupt.cpp -- an array of function pointers#include "stdafx.h"#include
//various notations, same signaturesconst double * f1(const double ar[], int n);const double * f2(const double [], int);const double * f3(const double *, int);int main(){ using namespace std; double av[3] = { 1112.3, 1542.6, 2227.9 }; const double *(*p1)(const double *, int) = f1;//pointer to a function auto p2 = f2; cout << "Using pointers to functions:\n"; cout << " Address Value\n"; cout << (*p1)(av, 3) << ": " << *(*p1)(av, 3) << endl; cout << p2(av, 3) << ": " << *p2(av, 3) << endl; const double *(*pa[3])(const double *, int) = { f1,f2,f3 };//pa an array of pointers auto pb = pa; cout << "\nUsing an array of pointers to functions:\n"; cout << " Address Value\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) cout << pa[i](av, 3) << ": " << *pa[i](av, 3) << endl; cout << "\nUsing a pointer to a pointer to a function:\n"; cout << " Address Value\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) cout << pb[i](av, 3) << ": " << *pb[i](av, 3) << endl; cout << "\nUsing pointers to an array of pointers:\n"; cout << " Address Value\n"; auto pc = &pa;//easy way to declare pc cout << (*pc)[0](av, 3) << ": " << *(*pc)[0](av, 3) << endl; const double *(*(*pd)[3])(const double *, int) = &pa;//hard way to declare pd const double *pdb = (*pd)[1](av, 3); cout << pdb << ": " << *pdb << endl; cout << (*(*pd)[2])(av, 3) << ": " << *(*(*pd)[2])(av, 3) << endl; return 0;}const double * f1(const double * ar, int n){ return ar;}const double * f2(const double ar[], int){ return ar + 1;}const double * f3(const double ar[], int){ return ar + 3;}




//practice.cpp -- this is the practice of the seventh chapter//运行时删除或注释多余部分#include "stdafx.h"#include
//practice-1double t_av(double x, double y);int main(){ using namespace std; double x, y; double result; cout << "Please enter two numbers (0 to stop): "; while ((cin >> x >> y) && x != 0 && y != 0) { result = t_av(x, y); cout << "The average is: " << result << endl; cout << "Please enter two numbers (0 to stop): "; } return 0;}double t_av(double x, double y){ return 2.0 * x * y / (x + y);}//practice-2const int MAX = 10;using namespace std;int fill_ar(double ar[], int limit);void show_ar(const double ar[], int n);double average(const double ar[], int n);int main(){ double scores[MAX]; int size = fill_ar(scores, MAX); show_ar(scores, size); if (size > 0) cout << "The average of scores is: " << average(scores, size) << endl; return 0;}int fill_ar(double ar[], int limit){ double temp; int i; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { cout << "Enter score #" << i + 1 << ": "; cin >> temp; if (!cin) { cin.clear(); while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; cout << "Bad input; enter a number: "; break; } if(temp < 0)//输入负数终止输入 break; ar[i] = temp; } return i;} void show_ar(const double ar[], int n){ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << "score #" << i + 1 << ": " << ar[i] << endl;}double average(const double ar[], int n){ double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += ar[i]; return sum / n;}//practice-3using namespace std;struct box{ char maker[40]; float height; float width; float length; float volume;};void show(box);box set();box* calculate(box *);int main(){ box a; a = set(); box* pt = calculate(&a); show(a); return 0;} box set(){ box b; cout << "please input the name of box :"; cin >> b.maker; cout << "please input the height of box :"; cin >> b.height; cout << "please input the width of box :"; cin >> b. width; cout << "please input the length of box :"; cin >> b.length; b.volume = 0.0; return b;}void show(box x){ cout << endl << "The height of the box: " << x.height << endl << "The width of the box: " << x.width << endl << "The length of the box: " << x.length << endl << "The volume of the box: " << x.volume << endl;}box* calculate(box* ps){ (*ps).volume = (*ps).height * (*ps).length * (*ps).width; return ps;}//practice-4using namespace std;long double probability(unsigned, unsigned);int main(){ double a, b, c; cout << "Enter the number of choices on the game card :"; cin >> a; cout << "Enter the number of picks allowed in 1 field number:"; cin >> b; cout << "Enter the number of choices on the game card in 2 field number:"; cin >> c; while (cin) { if (b <= a) { long double chance; chance = probability(a, b)*c; cout << "You have one chance in "<< chance << " of wining.\n\n"; cout << "Enter the number of choices on the game card :"; cin >> a; cout << "Enter the number of picks allowed in 1 field number:"; cin >> b; cout << "Enter the number of choices on the game card in 2 field number:"; cin >> c; if (!cin) break; } else break; } cout << "Bye!\n"; return 0;}long double probability(unsigned numbers, unsigned picks){ long double result = 1.0; long double n; unsigned p; for (n = numbers, p = picks; p > 0; n--, p--) result = result * n / p; return result;}//practice-5long long int recure(int);int main(){ using namespace std; int number; cout << "Enter a integer (q to stop): "; while (cin >> number) { long long int result = recure(number); cout << number << "! = " << result << endl; cout << "Next:"; } cout << "Done!" << endl; return 0;}long long int recure(int n){ long long int result; if (n > 0) result = n * recure(n - 1); else result = 1; return result;}//practice-6using namespace std;const int Asize = 10;int Fill_array(double[], int);void Show_array(double[], int);double * Reverse_array(double[], int, int);int main(){ double numbers[Asize]; cout << "Please enter some numbers(less than ten): \n"; int i = Fill_array(numbers, Asize); cout << "You've entered " << i << " numbers:\n"; Show_array(numbers, i); cout << endl; double * pt = Reverse_array(numbers, 0, i); Show_array(pt, i); cout << endl; double * ps = Reverse_array(numbers, 1, i); Show_array(ps, i); cout << endl; return 0;}int Fill_array(double ar[], int size){ int i; for (i = 0; i < Asize; i++) { if (cin >> ar[i]) ; else break; } return i;} void Show_array(double ar[], int size){ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << ar[i] << " ";}double * Reverse_array(double ar[], int a, int size){ cout << "Here are(is) the number(s) after reverse:\n"; double temp; for (int i = a; i < size / 2; i++) { temp = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[size - i - 1]; ar[size - i - 1] = temp; } return ar;}//practice-7using namespace std;const int Max = 5;void show_array(const double[], double *);void revalue(double, double[], double *);double * fill_array(double[], int);int main(){ double properties[Max]; double * p = fill_array(properties, Max); show_array(properties, p); if (p != &properties[0]) { cout << "Enter revaluation factor: "; double factor; while (!(cin >> factor)) { cin.clear(); while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; cout << "Bad input; Please enter a number: "; } revalue(factor, properties, p); show_array(properties, p); } cout << "Done.\n"; return 0;}double * fill_array(double ar[], int n){ double temp; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << "Enter value #" << (i + 1) << ": "; cin >> temp; if (!cin) { cin.clear(); while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; cout << "Bad input; input process terminated.\n"; break; } else if (temp < 0) break; ar[i] = temp; } double * pt = &ar[i - 1]; return pt;} void show_array(const double ar[], double * ps){ const double * p = &ar[0]; for (int i = 0; p != ps + 1; p++, i++) { cout << "Property #" << (i + 1) << ": $"; cout << ar[i] << endl; }} void revalue(double r, double ar[], double * ps){ double * p = &ar[0]; for (int i = 0; p != ps + 1; p++, i++) ar[i] *= r;}//practice-8ausing namespace std;const char * Seasons[4] = { "Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter" };void fill(double *);void show(double[]);int main(){ double expenses[4]; fill(expenses); show(expenses); return 0;} void fill(double ar[]){ double costs; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << "Enter " << Seasons[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> ar[i]; }} void show(double ar[]){ double total = 0.0; cout << "\nEXPENSES\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << Seasons[i] << ": $" << ar[i] << endl;; total += ar[i]; } cout << "Total Expenses: $" << total << endl;}//practice-8busing namespace std;const char * Seasons[4] = { "Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter" };struct expenditure{ double expenses[4];};expenditure fill(expenditure);void show(expenditure);int main(){ expenditure a = { { 0.0 } }; expenditure v = fill(a); show(v); return 0;} expenditure fill(expenditure b){ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << "Enter " << Seasons[i] << " expenses: "; cin >> b.expenses[i]; } return b;} void show(expenditure b){ double total = 0.0; cout << "\nEXPENSES\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << Seasons[i] << ": $" << b.expenses[i] << endl; total += b.expenses[i]; } cout << "Total Expenses: $" << total << endl;}//practice-9using namespace std;const int SLEN = 30;struct student { char fullname[SLEN]; char hobby[SLEN]; int ooplevel;};int getinfo(student pa[], int n);void display1(student st);void display2(const student * ps);void display3(const student pa[], int n);int main(){ cout << "Enter class size: "; int class_size; cin >> class_size; while (cin.get() != '\n') continue; student * ptr_stu = new student[class_size]; int entered = getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size); for (int i = 0; i < entered; i++) { display1(ptr_stu[i]); display2(&ptr_stu[i]); } display3(ptr_stu, entered); delete[] ptr_stu; cout << "Done\n"; return 0;}int getinfo(student * p, int num){ int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { cout << "Enter the fullname: "; cin.getline((p + i)->fullname, SLEN); cout << "Enter the hobby: "; cin.getline((p + i)->hobby, SLEN); cout << "Enter the ooplevel: "; cin >> (p + i)->ooplevel; if (!cin) break; else cin.get(); } return i;} void display1(student st){ cout << st.fullname << " " << st.hobby << " " << st.ooplevel << endl;} void display2(const student * ps){ cout << ps->fullname << " " << ps->hobby << " " << ps->ooplevel << endl;} void display3(const student pa[], int num){ for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { cout << pa[i].fullname << " " << pa[i].hobby << " " << pa[i].ooplevel << endl; }}//practice-10double calculate(double x, double y, double(*pf)(double, double));double add(double x, double y);double sub(double x, double y);double mean(double x, double y);int main(){ using namespace std; double a, b; double(*pf[3])(double, double) = { add, sub, mean }; char * op[3] = { "add", "sub", "mean" }; cout << "Enter pairs of numbers (q to quit): "; while (cin >> a >> b) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << op[i] << ": " << a << " and " << b << " = " << calculate(a, b, pf[i]) << endl; } }}double calculate(double x, double y, double(*pf)(double, double)){ return(*pf)(x, y);}double add(double x, double y){ return x + y;}double sub(double x, double y){ return x - y;}double mean(double x, double y){ return(x + y) / 2.0;}​


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