嵌入式linux 设置时间,time_clock控件应用,使用命令date -s 12:00:00手动设置时间后,时间就停住不走了,我在Ubuntu和嵌入式Linux平台都测试到了...
发布日期:2021-06-24 14:38:53 浏览次数:4 分类:技术文章

本文共 5813 字,大约阅读时间需要 19 分钟。

* update docs

* update docs

* update build scripts

* update assets

* rename icon_x_offset/icon_x_offset to x_offset/x_offset

* fix widget_invalidate

* update assets

* fix dirty rect

* update assets

* improve events

* fix demo_desktop res root

* fix comments

* fix calibration_win

* intigrate bgfx(not done yet)

* update docs

* update docs

* fix vgcanvas_nanovg_begin_frame

* add progress_circle and format code

* fix for agge

* update assets

* improve progress_circle and update assets

* improve demos

* rename time.h to time_now.h

* update idl

* update assets

* fix line cap

* improve value

* improve value

* improve progress_circle

* change value to float_t

* update assets

* update docs

* improve wstr

* improve digit clock

* improve digit clock


* update docs

* add tool image_to_rgb565

* add tool image_to_rgb565

* update docs

* rework guage

* add new style id

* update assets

* fix output_res_c_source

* sync bgfx code

* improve guage

* fix fs_os_get_disk_info

* update assets

* fix scroll_view.c #issues/30

* fix widget_invalidate_default

* fix SConstruct

* update assets

* change fps color

* update docs

* add read_float/write_float

* add read_float/write_float

* fix tk_visit_t

* format code

* skip doctype

* remove debug code

* add svg

* improve svg parser and add svg_gen

* fix widget_on_paint_begin

* merge patch of issues/25

* fix edit_clear

* fix compile warnings

* nanovg-bgfx support hidpi screen

* add widget_unload_asset/widget_load_asset

* support load bsvg

* improve svg parser

* guage_pointer support bsvg

* guage pointer support bsvg

* add bsvg_draw

* fix bsvg_gen

* support bsvg

* update assets

* fix widget_unload_asset

* update assets

* fix rotation bug

* fix build scripts and update assets

* fix compile warning

* fix canvas_draw_text_in_rect


* improve slide view

* merge issue zlgopen#25

* improve svg

* fix compile warnings

* merge patch zlgopen#25

* add clip board

* update assets

* fix dirty rect when show_fps

* fix dirty_rect bug when show fps

* improve pointer down abort event

* improve pointer down abort event

* add widget_dispatch_event_to_target_recursive

* add widget_dispatch_event_to_target_recursive

* improve slide view drag

* improve dirty rect

* fix issue#40

* fix issue 1

* fix pointer up

* fix pointer up

* rework image

* fix exit_if_need_not_update

* fix image_transform

* add svg_image

* svg support path arc

* update docs

* support gif

* call widget_invalidate in some set function

* gif support bgr565

* add grid item

* support gif res

* fix compile warnings

* update assets

* update assets

* update docs

* fix build scripts

* update docs

* update locale doc and demos

* update docs

* fix build scripts

* fix time_clock issue#50

* fix issue zlgopen#51


* fix list item

* move is_designing_window/is_window from widget to widget->vt

* rename FKEY_ to TK_KEY_

* rename caplock to capslock

* move input device status related code from window_manager to input_device_status.c

* add a param for widget_invalidate_force

* call widget_invalidate_force in image_animation_on_update

* fix lcd mem vgcanvas clip

* fix widget_invalidate_force

* fix scroll_view_invalidate

* fix res_root

* call widget_invalidate_force in some functions

* fix demo_main.c

* add get_clip_rect for vgcanvas to fix issue zlgopen#52

* ungrab when get pointer abort

* refactor scroll view

* update assets

* optimization

* improve layout params parser

* optimize switch

* update assets

* fix issue zlgopen#46

* improve input method

* update docs

* fix input_method_dispatch_key

* add zh/en switch button in default keyboard

* improve widget_set_prop

* add tests

* add widget_restack/widget_insert_child

* fix issue zlgopen#56 (handle user changed system time)

* fix js bindings

* add canvas_widget

* add image value widget

* init ratio to 1

* add window_closable

* add some events

* add some events

* add widget_set_prop_bool/widget_get_prop_bool

* add widget_set_prop_bool/widget_get_prop_bool

* add window_closable_t/system_bar

* add closable prop

* add closable prop

* add system_bar

* add destroying

* add system_bar

* fix vtranslate.inc

* format code

* fix warnings

* format code

* fix canvas_draw_image_scale_down

* fix compile warnings

* fix compile warnings

* fix window_animator_begin_frame

* update docs

* update assets

* update docs

* fix window_base_on_paint_self

* window manager support style

* update docs

* update assets

* update assets

* update assets

* fix scanline_adapter::commit

* update docs

* add str_unescape

* call str_unescape

* label supported multi-line

* fix window_animator_begin_frame to support 3fb

* update docs

* improve scroll view

* fix label

* fix window_animator_begin_frame_overlap

* add linear gradient/radial gradient

* support gradient

* fix draw_vline/draw_hline

* fix draw_vline/draw_hline

* update docs

* format code

* improve agge linear_gradient

* gradient support alpha channel


* add slide menu

* fix pixel_blend

* improve digit clock

* fix window_open.c


* support any number property animation.

* fix canvas_draw_vline/canvas_draw_hline

* improve label

* add docs

* improve idl_gen

* add doc_gen

* fix bgfx

* fix slide menu


* fix canvas

* improve doc_gen

* update docs

* update docs

* fix warnings

* fix layout bug

* split base into 3 directories: tck, base and widgets

* update idl

* fix compile warnings

* fix warnings

* fix issue zlgopen#61

* theme support round_radius for background and border

* update docs

* remove on destroy

* improve widget_destroy

* update assets

* fix color parse

* update assets

* fix memory leak

* fix popup window position

* update assets

* fix fs_os.c

* fix widget_animator_manager_time_elapse use freed memory bug

转载地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_33423069/article/details/116690973 如侵犯您的版权,请留言回复原文章的地址,我们会给您删除此文章,给您带来不便请您谅解!

上一篇:linux 8086下编译,Ubuntu18.04/Linux下安装DosBox进行8086汇编



[***.229.124.182]2024年04月15日 16时02分44秒