MiniTest::Mock 二,进一步示例分析
发布日期:2021-09-29 20:09:24 浏览次数:8 分类:技术文章

本文共 2023 字,大约阅读时间需要 6 分钟。

据说,如果对mock stub 和fakes概念不熟悉的话可以看看[url=]这个[/url] 我自己看了一下,没懂。还是看例子容易些
class MailPurge   def initialize(imap)     @imap = imap   end   def purge(date)     # IMAP wants dates in the format: 8-Aug-2002     formatted_date = date.strftime('%d-%b-%Y')     @imap.authenticate('LOGIN', 'user', 'password')'INBOX')     message_ids =["BEFORE #{formatted_date}"]), "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])   end end
#相当于mock出一个imap对象有authenticate select等方法,重要是就一个ids是返回值有依赖 def test_purging_mail   date =,1,1)   formatted_date = '01-Jan-2010'   ids = [4,5,6]   mock =   # mock expects:   #            method      return  arguments   #-------------------------------------------------------------   mock.expect(:authenticate,  nil, ['LOGIN', 'user', 'password'])   mock.expect(:select,        nil, ['INBOX'])   mock.expect(:search,        ids, [["BEFORE #{formatted_date}"]])   mock.expect(:store,         nil, [ids, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted]])   mp =   mp.purge(date)   assert mock.verify end
def initialize   @expected_calls = {}   @actual_calls = {|h,k| h[k] = [] } end #用来记录实际调用的,后面用到
def expect(name, retval, args=[])   n, r, a = name, retval, args # for the closure below   @expected_calls[name] = { :retval => retval, :args => args }   self.class.__send__(:define_method, name) { |*x|     raise ArgumentError unless @expected_calls[n][:args].size == x.size     @actual_calls[n] << { :retval => r, :args => x }     retval   }   self end #如何完成mock的呢,expect的三个参数存起来,然后,参数和预期的返回值,存起来,这里比较技巧
def verify   @expected_calls.each_key do |name|     expected = @expected_calls[name]     msg = "expected #{name}, #{expected.inspect}"     raise MockExpectationError, msg unless       @actual_calls.has_key? name and @actual_calls[name].include?(expected)   end   true end #验证

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上一篇:ruby 1.9 简单的文件操作
下一篇:MiniTest::Mock Ruby1.9 标准库支持



[***.8.128.20]2024年04月16日 23时20分23秒


-- 愿君每日到此一游!


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