Using Java SecurityManager to grant/deny access to system functions
发布日期:2021-08-21 13:17:31 浏览次数:38 分类:技术文章

本文共 6527 字,大约阅读时间需要 21 分钟。

In Java it is possible to restrict access to specific functions like reading/writing files and system properties, thread control, networking, object serialization and much more for the running application. Such restrictions may be crucial(重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的) for guaranteeing security of the system and are implemented for example in Applets, Java Web Start or Java EE Servers.

Class witch takes care of all that security is  whose currently registered instance can be accessed through System.getSecurityManager() method. Normally for stand-alone Java applications there is no SecurityManager registered, which means a call to getSecurityManager() would return null. In such case, all the system functions are allowed.

We will show here a simple example of how security in Java works. Take a look at the class below:

import;import;public class SecurityTest {    public static void main(String[] args)        throws FileNotFoundException {        //Is there a SecurityManger registered?        System.out.println("SecurityManager: " +            System.getSecurityManager());        //Checking if we can open a file for reading        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("test.txt");        System.out.println("File successfully opened");        //Checking if we can access a vm property        System.out.println(System.getProperty("file.encoding"));    }}

The class first gets the SecurityManager’s instance and prints it out. Note that this step has no influence on two proceeding steps. It’s purpose is just to show clearly if SecurityManager is there or not. Next step is opening a file called ‘test.txt’ for reading. For this step you should create a file ‘text.txt’ (it may be empty) and put it in the application’s directory. Last step reads a system property “file.encoding” which on most systems should be set by default to “UTF-8″.

Now run the program! If you got any exceptions, check if you copied everything well and if you created the file ‘text.txt’ in the program’s directory. If everything went right, you should get the following output:

SecurityManager: nullFile successfully openedUTF-8

First note that the instance of SecurityManager we got from System.getSecurityManager() is null. There is no SecurityManager so everything is allowed and we were able to successfully open a file and read the system property.

Now let’s put security to play! We will need a file defining current security policy. It is a file that tells the SecurityManager what it should allow and what it should deny. Below is an example of such a file:

grant {};

As you see, there is nothing written inside the ‘grant’ block. It means that there are no permissions specified and (almost) all system functions will be denied. Put that in a file called ‘test.policy’ and place it in the application’s directory (along with file ‘text.txt’). You can read much more about structure of .policy files .

With the policy file in place, we should tell the JVM to create a SecurityManager and use file ‘test.policy’ for the security policy. We do it by specifying two system properties while running the SecurityTest program: and You can specify them for example in Eclipse in ‘Run Configurations…->Arguments->VM arguments:’ dialog. Alternatively you can specify them straight from the command line (supposing you exported your code to SecurityTest.jar and put it in the same directory where ‘test.policy’ is:

java -jar SecurityTest.jar

Using these parameters run the program! If everything goes well, this time SecurityManager activates and you should see something like this:

SecurityManager: java.lang.SecurityManager@1a46e30Exception in thread "main" access denied    ( test.txt read)    ...

First line indicates that SecurityManager is registered. The exception you see on the next line is proper behavior. InputFileReader’s constructor internally checks if there is a SecurityManager installed. If so, it calls it to check if reading the specified file is allowed according to the current security policy. The security policy (which we specified in ‘test.policy’ file) contains no permissions for reading a file, so SecurityManager throws .

What to do to allow reading files? We have to put a specific rule to ‘test.policy’. Rules for accessing files are implemented by  class. You can specify which file the rule applies to and what kind of access is being granted. Below you see what must be written in ‘test.policy’ file:

grant {  permission "test.txt", "read";};

This rule grants reading on file ‘text.txt’ (you could also use “<<ALL FILES>>” to grant the reading of all files). With this permission in place, let’s run the program once again:

SecurityManager: java.lang.SecurityManager@1a46e30File successfully openedException in thread "main"    access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission file.encoding read)

As you see this time file was successfully opened, but next exception appeared while trying to read the property “file.encoding”. Permission allowing programs to access system properties is called . We define it following way:

grant {  permission "test.txt", "read";  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.encoding", "read";};

It will allow reading of property “file.encoding”. This time when we run the program, everything will be allowed by the SecurityManager and we should get following output:

SecurityManager: java.lang.SecurityManager@1a46e30File successfully openedUTF-8

Writing .policy files for a big application can be tedious, especially if you don’t know yet the correct syntax. Fortunately there is help in form of ‘policytool’, which is a small program distributed along with JDK. You can read something about it .

This short introduction shows just a tiny bit of SecurityManager’s features. You can do a lot more with it, like for example defining your own permissions and using them in your classes. You can also set principals for every permission and specify files containing digital signatures for them, so that a user running your program must be in possession of a key file to access specific functions. You can read about this functionality for example on . There is also a bunch of useful links concering security on .


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[***.219.124.196]2024年04月03日 15时58分46秒


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